WotLK Halls of Stone Boost
  • ETA: 2-3 hours
  • Description: You’ll become a member of a team of consummate Frostyboost players and together with them in a group of 5 will go to conquer the Halls of Stone Heroic Dungeon. Loot the coolest WotLK items and heroic achievements!
  • Rules: Normal mode: Character level 77; Heroic mode: Character level 80; Active WoW account with WotLK expansion 
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WotLK Halls of Stone Boost and achieve more here with well versed Frostyboost players

If you’d like to reach the Halls of Stone Dungeon, you have to get to the southern part of the city of the titans. This already suggests that you’ll be traveling through a large instance, with huge halls and rooms. Don't forget your mount, if you have one, because we are in the city of titans and the territory is big! Here you will face the main battles with 4 dangerous bosses. If suddenly you do not have your own team or you just simply want to complete the Halls of Stone Dungeon in the company of well versed boosters, buy Halls of Stone Boost provided by the Frostyboost team. Our attentive and skillful players will guide you through the Halls of Stone Dungeon, both in normal and heroic mode, fight back to back with you against its bosses and help you get great loot of useful items and achievements. When completing Halls of Stone Dungeon in normal mode, you will get 183 ilvl gear, and when completing it in heroic mode, you will get 200 ilvl gear. Whether it will be a normal or a heroic achievement depends only on your choice! Choose the best for you and achieve it together with Frostyboost!


For those who choose Normal mode: Character level 77

For those who chose Heroic mode: Character level 80

Active WoW account with WotLK expansion

Service Progress

  1. Choose Halls of Stone Boost, select the mode in which you want to complete this dungeon: normal or heroic, and pay for the boost service.
  2. Our manager will write to you and you will need to agree on a time to start the boost.
  3. Together with our booster team, start the Halls of Stone Dungeon run by defeating the bosses and getting the coveted WotLK achievements and items.
  4. As soon as everything you want is received, the boost service will be considered completed.

Halls of Stone journey will be exciting with Frostyboost

Frostyboost PRO players will be an excellent team for you, together with which you can complete the Halls of Stone Heroic Dungeon and loot valuable achievements and other useful items for your character. This entire WoW WotLK Halls of Stone journey will be fast, exciting and productive. Buy Halls of Stone Boost and let what you want be yours!

What is the duration of Halls of Stone Boost?

In 2-3 hours we will run the Halls of Stone Dungeon and achieve the desired result.

Where can I find Halls of Stone?

You can find it in The Storm Peaks on the continent of Northrend.

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